​Industrial-grade additive manufacturing education star shines in the Central Plains—Sina 3D helps China's first vocational skills competition and the 46th World Games Additive Manufacturing Project Henan Trial to be successfully held

  • Public:2020/11/11
  •     Source: Sailner 3D

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On September 20, the opening ceremony of the Henan Province Trial of the First Vocational Skills Competition of the People's Republic of China was held in Zhengzhou City, Henan Province. The relevant leaders of the Provincial Organizing Committee attended the opening ceremony and announced the opening of the competition. The event is hosted by the Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security. Among them, nine new world competition projects such as additive manufacturing were undertaken by the Kaifeng Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, co-organized by Kaifeng Technician College, and Senna 3D Technology Co., Ltd. and many other companies provided technical support.


In order to ensure the smooth development of the event, Sina 3D and other relevant technical support units were invited to hold pre-match technical training on September 4-6. The training content covers the general introduction of the competition, analysis of technical points, 3D scanner operation training, and printing slice software Operation, 3D printer practice operation, etc.




Participants conduct pre-match training

On September 22-23, the Henan Provincial Trial for Additive Manufacturing was officially opened at the 3D Printing Training Center of the Mechanical Engineering Department of Kaifeng Technician College. Participants focused on the competition questions and successfully completed the competition in accordance with the steps of 3D scanning, reverse modeling, innovative design, 3D printing, and post-processing. Dr. Xu Xiangmin from the Yellow River Water Conservancy Vocational and Technical College served as the chief referee of the additive project of this competition. A referee team composed of experts from inside and outside the province conducted a fair, just and transparent review.



Race in progress

As the technical support unit of this competition, the industrial-grade full-color multi-material 3D printer independently researched and developed by Saina 3D-J400plus and the industry's first desktop voxel full-color 3D printer D450plus are used as special equipment for the competition. The output provides efficient and strong support.

Based on 20 years of strong technical accumulation in the field of print output technology, Saina has successfully independently developed the first domestic WJP white ink filling technology, which is based on the principle of color inkjet and light curing, combined with Saina's high-performance 3D digital polymer composite materials, and fully realized Full color, high transparency, high precision, high efficiency, combination of soft and hard and many other excellent 3D printing technology features. Technical products are widely used in industrial design, digital medical, cultural creativity, education and scientific research and other fields.



Government leaders come to the match point to guide the work

Carrying out vocational skills competition activities is not only an important measure to strengthen the construction of high-skilled talents, but also an important way to select and evaluate skilled talents and promote outstanding skilled talents to stand out. As one of the outstanding enterprises that actively promote the integrated development of additive manufacturing technology and education industry, Saina 3D is a new star dedicated to the high-quality development of industrial-grade additive manufacturing education and one-stop professional construction services. Provide industrial-grade additive manufacturing education solutions covering the five-in-one area of additive manufacturing, including professional planning, curriculum construction, practical training, teacher training, and internship employment.


Group photo of the first prize winners, chief referee, organizer and technical support unit after the game

With the help of this event, it not only demonstrated the advantages and strength of 3D printing technology, but also further implemented the concept of "integration of production and education". The vocational skill competition carried out by the government, enterprises, and schools coordinated by the three parties provides an important platform for skilled workers to learn skills, study technology, and showcase their style. For enterprises, it is an important way to cultivate and select outstanding craftsman-type high-skilled talents. It is also an important support for the industry to build a knowledge-based, skilled, and innovative high-skilled applied talent team.

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